July 30, 2024
- Updated Gaia Online OCs embedded thingy so it is up to date with all of my creations.
Jul 6, 2024
- Fixed the issue I had with the Imgur embed not updating. You have to do it manually, and you'll need to go back to Posts, reload the page, and once the number of images is updated, you go in then to grab the embed's code.
- Added My OCs to all navbars, including the template.
Jun 29, 2024
- Added new page - My OCs - to website.
- Remember to add the My OC's navigation thingy to the Nav Bar of all pages, ESPECIALLY the template. I've already done it for My OCs, I just need to copy & paste it on the others.
I realise I neglected to mention when I did an update to the Pixpet Pets. I cut down on the number of them, because it was getting a bit crowded. I'm not entirely sure when I did that, so just know it's sometime between this and the previous Changelog.
Also remember to add my newer GPX+ shinies to the Pets section.
Nov 10, 2023
- Added 4 new eggs to Pixpet.net section of Pets. They are in the order in which I got them.
- Added a paragraph on my interest in bushcare to my About Me.
- Added yet another egg to Pixpet.net section.
Nov 9, 2023
- Updated Pets - added GPX+ party and shinies.
Nov 8, 2023
- Updated Pets - added Pixpet.net pets.
Nov 7, 2023
- Updated Pets - added Flower Game plants.
Sept 11th, 2023
- Edited About Me:
- Updated coding section.
- Updated art section.
- Modified Social Media section, centering it, & adding a border and a background colour. May end up centering Social Media heading later if it starts to bother me that it's not aligned to its section's contents.
June 27th, 2023
- Added new TamaNOTchi, Sola.
- Added buttons to pets & blinkies page. Linked a few to their respective sites (Internet Archive, Unofficial Homestuck Collection, Neocities). I moved the linked ones to the front for simplicity's sake.
- Adopted some Buneeps. Both of the ones currently available.
June 25th, 2023
- Updated pets & blinkies page with stamps and a blinky.
- Made changelog iframe bigger.
- Added new TamaNOTchi, Rieck.
- Added favicon.
June 24th, 2023
- Added IDs to the blog entries.
- Decided to put blog entries in reverse chronological order.
- Rounded header.
- Added a pets & blinkies page. Added a few things.
June 23rd, 2023
- Added new item to task list.
June 21st, 2023
- Added another item to my to-do list on the main page.
- Created a basic HTML skeleton for new pages.
- Created blog. Will likely make a different CSS stylesheet in the future for it, so I can try some different things. For now, it's using style.css, though.
- Expanded one of the items on the main page to-do list.
June 20th, 2023
- Improved footer design. Increased padding, added border and rounded the footer and its border using the border-radius declaration.
- Changed background colour of changelog to give a bit more colour diversity.
- Changed border colour of changelog iframe to #e5921c.
- Learnt how to use the span element to change the characteristics of text, as indicated in the above point.
June 17th, 2023
- Updated task list on homepage.
- Added h3 to stylesheet.
June 10th, 2023
- Altered code on About Me page for CSS styling purposes, so it has the header and navbar now.
- Altered CSS stylesheet.
June 9th, 2023
- Restructured site, heavily based off the code done on acerbicContagion's site.
- Added changelog.
- Started modifying CSS stylesheet. Header and navbar now have some formatting on the homepage.